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Charges and Fines for Sewer Blockage

Section 4.00 Prohibited Discharges

No person shall discharge to a community sewer wastes which cause, threaten to cause either alone or by intereaction with other substances: ... b) obstruction of flow in a sewer system or injury to the system or damage to the wastewater collection facilities.

The District has on occasion suffered serious and expensive blockages within the sewer collection system.  Where these blockages can be linked to specific customers and the blocking material is identifiable as not something permitted to be discharged to sewers, resulting repairs may, in the judgment of the District, be charged to the customer.  In addition, the District Board may levy a fine not to exceed $1000/day for such discharges.

Examples of nonpermitted discharges including, but not limited to, grease beyond that normally occuring in human waste, shop rags, feminine hygiene products, and baby and adult wipes.  These nonbiodegrable products can cause sewer backups in your house, your neighbor's house, or into the street.