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About Us

District History

Loleta, CA, where the Eel River meets the Pacific, is a small town just above the flood plain on the Humboldt County coast.  It has a population of about 750. The Loleta Community Services District was formed by the merger of the Loleta Sanitary District and the Loleta Water Company in 1990 to serve the urbanized area of residences that make up Loleta.  The District produces water from a well just north of town that was placed into service along with a new water treatment plant in 2010. The Loleta Sanitary District and then the CSD has been operating the existing wastewater plant since 1956.

Services Provided

The District provides water treatment and distribution and sewer collection and treatment for properties within the District.  This includes ownership and maintenance of the water distribution system including fire hydrants up to and including water meters and boxes.  Water lines beyond the water meter are the responsibility of the property owner. Similarly, the sewer system including the wastewater treatment plant on upward throughout town to the individual property line and sewer cleanouts is owned, operated, and maintained by the District.

Sphere of Influence

The boundary of District Services is determined by Humboldt Local Agency Formation Commission.

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